S2M, S2Medical B, SE0011725084 - Nasdaq


S2M, S2Medical B, SE0011725084 - Nasdaq

: Get the latest S2Medical Registered stock price and detailed information including news, historical charts and realtime prices. The S2Medical stock analysis makes it easy to digest most publicly released information about S2Medical and get updates on important government artifacts, including earning estimates, SEC corporate filings, and announcements. View live S2MEDICAL AB SER. B chart to track its stock's price action. Find market predictions, S2M financials and market news. Some S2Medical investors have already had a taste of the bitterness stocks like this can leave in the mouth. When it reported in December 2019 S2Medical had minimal cash in excess of all liabilities consider its expenditure: just kr9.9m to be specific. While S2Medical shareholders are down 55% for the year, the market itself is up 3.9%.

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S2Medical AB (publ). SWEDEN. S2M. Stockholm Stock Exchange. 595253935. BIOLIDICS LIMITED. SINGAPORE. You can share this page with others by sending the URL of the selected page.

Find market predictions, S2M financials and market news.

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Php. 2,000.00. Stocks Available. ADD TO   ES Group godkänt för notering på Spotlight Stock Market Både Smoltek och S2Medical är nominerade till Årets IPO 2018 som anordnas av SvD Börsplus . Rebecca McGregor.

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The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the current price of a stock by earnings per share. (EPS).
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2018-11-23 S2Medical AB (publ) (”S2M” eller ”Bolaget”) har blivit godkända för notering av Bolagets B-aktier på Nasdaq First North, villkorat av att bland annat spridningskravet uppfylls. Från och med idag måndagen den 5 november 2018 är aktieteckningen öppen för anställda i Bolaget, allmänheten och … A fast and easy way to analyze Sweden Stocks Technical analysis gauges display real-time ratings for the selected timeframes. The summary for S2MEDICAL AB SER. B is based on the most popular technical indicators — Moving Averages, Oscillators and Pivots.

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S2M, S2Medical B, SE0011725084 - Nasdaq

S2Medical AB engages in the development and sale of wound healing products for the entire wound healing process focusing on burns and chronic wounds. It offers wound debridement, blood stilling, View the latest S2Medical AB (S2M) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from WSJ. Stock analysis for S2medical AB (S2MBTAB) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. : Get the latest S2Medical Registered stock price and detailed information including news, historical charts and realtime prices. S2Medical AB (publ) develops, produces, and sells wound healing products for burns and chronic wounds.